Opening day
Submission deadline
The abstract submission deadline has been extended until January 24, 2025!
If you modify your abstract (upload new files or modify fields) please add a comment so that we can see what has changed.
Please consider submitting an abstract about your work and expertise related to HPC.
Specifically, this can include:
- Applications of HPC
- Research done on HPC clusters
- Systems engineering (software, storage, network, etc.)
- Any other topic related to HPC
Important Dates
- 10 January 2025 - extended until 24 January 2025 – Abstract submission deadline
- 11 February 2025 – Notification about acceptance
Contributed Talks
- Approximately 15–20 minutes including discussion
- A0 (84,1 x 118,9 cm) – please bring a printed version of your poster (printing is not possible at ASHPC25)
Please download and use the ASHPC25 abstract template: [ASHPC25_abstract_template]
Follow the instructions in the template, i.e., name your files yourname.tex and yourname.pdf and include 1–2 optional figures (yourname_Fig1.pdf or yourname_Fig1.png, and yourname_Fig2.pdf or yourname_Fig2.png) and zip the files into yourname.zip
Upload your abstract via the "Submit new abstract" button below.
You'll first have to create an Indico account for the ASHPC events (just hit the "Submit new abstract" button below).
Once you are logged in, you'll see the submission form:
- Title *: Shortened Title (about 15 characters maximum)
- Authors *: Choose "Add myself" (so we will know who submitted the abstract)
- Comments: any optional comments
- Attachments: PLEASE UPLOAD BOTH YOUR: yourname.zip and yourname.pdf
- Presenting Author *: First Name and Last Name, Email Address, and Affiliation of the Presenting Author
- Scholarship: select if you would like to apply
- Presentation Mode *: Please select your preferred presentation mode (however, the program committee might change your presentation mode from oral to poster, if it should turn out that not enough time slots are available, or the other way around).
- Consent Publication *: You'll have to consent for both yourself and on behalf of all your co-authors that the abstract can be published in the "ASHPC25 Booklet of Abstracts" under a CC BY 4.0 licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) if it is accepted for presentation at ASHPC25. If you do not agree, please do not submit an abstract.
- Consent Slides *: It would be nice if all presenting authors consent to have a pdf version of their slides made available only to the other participants of ASHPC25 via a password protected webpage. Of course this decision is up to you.
Scholarship for Students
If you are a student you may apply for a scholarship of 200 € for the conference. However, we cannot guarantee that you will receive the scholarship as it is limited to 10 students maximum and the students will be selected according to their abstract and their motivation letter.
Please upload your abstract together with a motivation letter and your enrolment confirmation until 24 January 2025, you need to prove your student status when you apply and by the time of the conference.
In the registration form please select the room select the room category "Single Room (students applying for scholarship *, 19–22 May 2025)".
We will let you know by 11 February 2025 whether your application was successful (your fee reduces to 558 €) or not (your fee stays at 758 €).
Modifications / Updates / Withdrawal
After uploading your abstract you will get an automatic email confirmation.
You will also be able to see your abstract on the ASHPC25 "Call for Abstracts" page when you are logged in, and you can edit or update (or even withdraw) your abstract and the information provided in your submission form.
If you modify your abstract (upload new files or modify fields) please add a comment so that we can see what has changed.