Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024 – ASHPC24

Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal (Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria)


Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria




Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024 – ASHPC24

ASHPC24 will take place at the Seeblickhotel Grundlsee in Austria, 10–13 June 2024, it will start with a welcome dinner on 10 June 2024, the conference program will start at 09:00 on 11 June 2024.

ASHPC24 will continue the tradition of the annual Austrian HPC Meetings, held 2015–2020, and the Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meetings, held 2021–2023: Bringing together scientists and technicians with a background and interest in supercomputing. ASHPC24 focuses on various aspects of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and provides a great opportunity to discuss HPC-related topics and present your latest results. It will also provide an overview and update on the rapidly improving HPC landscape available to European researchers.

Central European NCCs Workgroup Meeting – CE-NCCs-WG, 10 June 2024

On Monday, 10 June 2024, in the afternoon preceding ASHPC24, there will be a Central European NCCs Workgroup Meeting (for NCC / EuroCC 2 staff only) where the National Competence Centres (NCCs) address their most challenging topics and further regional collaboration.      

Scholarship for Students:

For the first time we offer scholarships for students of 200 €.      
For more information please see at the Call for Abstracts and in the Registration form or contact us.
Application deadline for the scholarships (abstract, enrolment confirmation, motivation letter, registration) is 23 January 2024 and notification about acceptance will be sent out by 20 February 2024.

ASHPC24 – Booklet of Abstracts

                           DOI: 10.25365/phaidra.463

                           ISBN: 978-3-200-09645-5

                           (EuroCC Austria, c/o Universität Wien)

ASHPC24 – Program

ASHPC24 – Slides & Gallery

                           (restricted access – login for ASHPC24 participants only)

ASHPC24 – Photos for download (.zip, 1.5GB)

                           (restricted access – login for ASHPC24 participants only)           

    • 14:00 14:30
      Get Together & Coffee Break – CE-NCCs-WG (for NCC / EuroCC 2 staff only) 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 14:30 18:30
      Central European NCCs Workgroup Meeting (for NCC / EuroCC 2 staff only; + second (breakout) room) Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      • 14:30
        CE-NCCs-WG Plenary 50m
        • Welcome 3m
          Speaker: Markus Stöhr
        • NCCs introductions 20m

          Short introduction from each NCC (stand up!).
          Most important topic for the NCC to discuss today.

          Speakers: All NCCs, one person/NCC
        • Overview, all topics and prioritization 15m
          Speakers: Markus Stöhr, all participants
        • Training collaboration overview & update 12m

          Recent, upcoming, and planned training collaborations between
          NCCs & NCCs and NCCs & CoEs.
          Current status, number of registrations, joint dissemination effort.

          Speakers: Claudia Blaas-Schenner, all training champions
      • 15:20
        Break 10m
      • 15:30
        Pimp my LinkedIn Profile – Workshop 1h 15m

        Internal workshop for the EuroCC community (online participation possible for all NCCs).

        Target audience: Everyone interested in best practices of a professional-looking LinkedIn page.
        Will be useful for the communications/dissemination tasks, industry tasks, experts, trainers,
        and everyone who is on LinkedIn and wants to improve and optimise personal pages.

        1. Business page
        • Page fundamentals and best practices (description, banner, call to action, highlight posts).
        • Before / after (we'll look at examples of several pages and see how we can improve them).

        2. Personal page
        • Tips for creating a professional LinkedIn profile with examples.
        • Highly recommended for those who do not work in marketing/communications.

        Speaker: Natascha Trzepizur (Content Creator, Content Strategist, Social Media & Content Marketing Manager at INiTS – Vienna's High-Tech Incubator)
      • 16:45
        Break 15m
      • 17:00
        AI Focus 1h 30m
        • AI generated reporting 45m
          Speakers: Markus Stöhr, Simeon Harrison, Thomas Mayerhofer, plenary discussion
        • Training series: AI for industry 45m
          Speakers: Simeon Harrison, Thomas Mayerhofer, plenary discussion
    • 18:30 19:00
      ASHPC24 Registration 30m Entrance / Front Desk

      Entrance / Front Desk

    • 19:00 20:30
      ASHPC24 Welcome Dinner 1h 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 20:30 22:00
      Welcome Reception for ASHPC24 participants, accompanying persons, and our esteemed guests Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Bettina Benesch (University of Vienna and EuroCC Austria)
      • 20:30
        10 Years of A(S)HPC Meetings 15m
        Speakers: Alexander Ostermann, Claudia Blaas-Schenner
      • 20:45
        Inauguration of Austria's new supercomputer “VSCrunchy” 10m
        Speakers: Martin Pfister, Simeon Harrison
      • 20:55
        "VSCrunchy" Guided Tours & Let's Celebrate Together! 1h 5m
        Speakers: all ASHPC24 participants, accompanying persons, and our esteemed guests
    • 07:30 08:30
      Breakfast 1h Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 08:30 09:00
      ASHPC24 Registration 30m Entrance / Front Desk

      Entrance / Front Desk

    • 09:00 09:15
      WELCOME Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 09:00
        Welcome by the Program Chair 7m
        Speaker: Matej Praprotnik (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia)
      • 09:07
        Welcome by the Organizing Chair 7m
        Speaker: Eduard Reiter (Research Area Scientific Computing, University of Innsbruck, Austria)
    • 09:15 10:30
      ASHPC24 Session 1 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Markus Oppel (Department of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria)
      • 09:15
        KEYNOTE: ParityOS – The operating system for quantum computers 45m
        Speaker: Roeland ter Hoeven (ParityQC and University of Innsbruck, Austria)
      • 10:00
        Solving the Stable Set problem by D-Wave Quantum Annealer 15m
        Speaker: Janez Povh (Rudolfovo Institute and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
      • 10:15
        Parallelized Implementation of the Coupled-Trajectory Tully Surface Hopping (CT-TSH) Method for Efficient Molecular Simulations 15m
        Speaker: Eduarda Sangiogo Gil (Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 11:00 12:15
      ASHPC24 Session 2 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Christoph Dellago (University of Vienna, Austria)
      • 11:00
        Beyond LLMs: Small is the new Large – Towards Pipelines of Modular Models – Implications for HPC Systems and Deployments 15m
        Speaker: Endri Deliu (University of Vienna and EuroCC Austria, Austria)
      • 11:15
        Innovation in business: HPC as an opportunity for SMEs 15m
        Speaker: Tina Črnigoj Marc (Arctur d.o.o., Slovenia)
      • 11:30
        EXCELLERAT CoE: The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications 15m
        Speakers: Matic Brank (LECAD, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Tina Črnigoj Marc (Arctur d.o.o., Slovenia)
      • 11:45
        HPC and DHInfra 15m
        Speaker: Florian Atzenhofer-Baumgartner (University of Graz, Austria)
      • 12:00
        Croatian National Advanced Computing Resources Supek and Vrančić 15m
        Speaker: Jurica Špoljar (University Computing Centre, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
    • 12:15 12:30
      Break 15m Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 14:00 15:15
      ASHPC24 Session 3 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Andreas Rauber (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 14:00
        KEYNOTE: AI and HPC: Paving the Way for Europe’s Digital Future 45m
        Speaker: Jeanette Nilsson (Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Sweden)
      • 14:45
        Live resource management in HPC applications: Resilient hybrid computing in IMS’ MBMW processing pipeline 10m
        Speaker: David Pfahler (IMS Nanofabrication GmbH, Brunn am Gebirge, Austria)
      • 14:55
        Enhancing Computational Throughput in Multi-Beam Mask Writing: Leveraging Celery as a Distributed Task Queue on Heterogeneous Clusters 10m
        Speaker: Paul Heistracher (IMS Nanofabrication GmbH, Brunn am Gebirge, Austria)
      • 15:05
        High-throughput image processing in multi-beam mask writing 10m
        Speaker: Martin Jurkovič (IMS Nanofabrication GmbH, Brunn am Gebirge, Austria)
    • 15:15 15:30
      Break 15m Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee Break 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 16:00 17:15
      ASHPC24 Session 4 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Barbara Krašovec (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
      • 16:00
        Leonardo’s Role in the Pre-exascale Era 15m
        Speaker: Moreno Guernelli (Cineca – HPC Department, Italy)
      • 16:15
        Development and supporting activities on EuroHPC Vega 15m
        Speaker: Teo Prica (IZUM – Institute of Information Science, Slovenia)
      • 16:30
        Software containers in HPC 15m
        Speaker: Dejan Lesjak (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
      • 16:45
        Overcoming challenges in building scientific software for HPC 15m
        Speaker: Alja Prah (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
      • 17:00
        Lessons learned/experience from the battlefield: HPC user support 15m
        Speaker: Violeta Šikaleska and Samo Lorenčič (IZUM – Institute of Information Science, Slovenia)
    • 17:15 19:00
      ASHPC24 Poster Session 1 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 17:15
        • Intro and line up for the lightning talks 5m
          Speaker: Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
        • European Master for High Performance Computing (EUMaster4HPC) project 1m
          Speaker: Tomas Kozubek (IT4Innovations, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
        • MaX Centre of Excellence and the EuroHPC ecosystem (after the 1st year of MaX3) 1m
          Speaker: Jan Jona Javoršek (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
        • MultiXscale – a EuroHPC JU Center of Excellence 1m
          Speaker: Matej Praprotnik (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia)
        • SPACE – Scalable Parallel Astrophysical Codes for Exascale Center of Excelence 1m
          Speaker: Lubomir Riha (IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
        • EXCELLERAT CoE: Tackling Next-Generation Engineering Challenges in the Exascale Era 1m
          Speaker: Tina Črnigoj Marc (Arctur d.o.o., Slovenia)
        • FF4EuroHPC – SME Innovation Through HPC 1m
          Speaker: Tina Črnigoj Marc (Arctur d.o.o., Slovenia)
        • NCC Czechia: HPC World Guide 1m
          Speaker: Tomas Karasek (IT4Innovations, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
        • Coopetition as a model of cooperation in the Polish National Competence Center 1m
          Speaker: Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland)
        • The Role of Public High Performance Computing Infrastructures in Advancing AI Across European Industries and Academia 1m
          Speaker: Eva Gergely (University of Vienna and EuroCC Austria, Austria)
        • Band structure formation in metal-organic nanostructures 1m
          Speaker: Dominik Brandstetter (Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Austria)
        • Quantum Vacuum Simulations in the Heisenberg-Euler Weak-Field Expansion 1m
          Speaker: Andreas Lindner (Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, LMU Munich, Germany and Advanced Computing Austria GmbH, Austria)
        • Deep learning for scientific data compression 1m
          Speaker: Michal Kravčenko (IT4Innovations, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
        • Some Quirks of Using Shared Memory in CUDA Fortran 1m
          Speaker: Ivan Vialov (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
        • Hyperparameter Optimization with Differential Evolution on Multiple GPUs 1m
          Speaker: Teo Prica (IZUM – Institute of Information Science, Slovenia)
        • Enjoy the discussions at the posters! 1m
          Speaker: Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 17:35
        POSTER SESSION (posters see above at lightning talks) 1h 25m
    • 19:00 19:30
      Break 30m Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

    • 19:30 21:00
      Dinner 1h 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 07:30 09:00
      Breakfast 1h 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 09:00 10:30
      ASHPC24 Session 5 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Janez Povh (Rudolfovo Institute and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
      • 09:00
        KEYNOTE: Building large language models: HPC users’ perspective 45m
        Speaker: Marko Robnik-Šikonja (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
      • 09:45
        Randomised Optimisation Algorithms in DAPHNE 15m
        Speaker: Aleš Zamuda (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Slovenia)
      • 10:00
        Evolutionary Implications of Multi-Scale Intelligence 15m
        Speaker: Benedikt Hartl (Institute for Theoretical Physics, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 10:15
        Zettaflops Computing: Why, when, and how? 15m
        Speaker: Draško Tomić (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 11:00 12:15
      ASHPC24 Session 6 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Aleš Zamuda (University of Maribor)
      • 11:00
        Beyond Benchmarks: Comparing Parallel Programming Models in Real-World Scenarios 15m
        Speaker: Philipp Gschwandtner (Research Center HPC, Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria)
      • 11:15
        Transparently Scaling Applications to Multiple GPUs with Celerity 15m
        Speaker: Peter Thoman (Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria)
      • 11:30
        Optimising routines with sparse matrices on FPGA devices 15m
        Speaker: Ratko Pilipović (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
      • 11:45
        What You Always Wanted To Know About C++ Performance Portability (But Were Afraid to Do) 15m
        Speaker: Ruben Laso (Faculty of Informatics, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 12:00
        Performance and Portability Assessment of CUDA and SYCL for Particle-in-Cell codes on different GPUs 15m
        Speaker: Ivona Vasileska (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
    • 12:15 12:30
      Break 15m Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 14:00 15:15
      ASHPC24 Session 7 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Alexander Ostermann (Research Area Scientific Computing, University of Innsbruck, Austria)
      • 14:00
        KEYNOTE: Advancements, prospects, and challenges in weather and climate prediction: the rise of machine learning 45m
        Speaker: Irene Schicker (GeoSphere Austria, Austria)
      • 14:45
        iCONtainer: climate and weather simulations with ICON in a singularity container 15m
        Speaker: Aiko Voigt (Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Vienna, Austria)
      • 15:00
        Enabling Global Flood Monitoring with SAR Datacubes and the Vienna Scientific Cluster 15m
        Speaker: Mark Edwin Tupas (Remote Sensing Research Group, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, TU Wien, Austria and Department of Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines)
    • 15:15 15:30
      Break 15m Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee Break 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 16:00 17:15
      ASHPC24 Session 8 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Ernst Haunschmid (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 16:00
        MUSICA (MUlti-SIte Computer Austria) 15m
        Speaker: Elias Wimmer (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 16:15
        Cython vs. Numba vs. Mojo: A Comparison of Different Approaches to speedup Python Language Execution 15m
        Speaker: Benjamin Hackl (Department of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz, Austria)
      • 16:30
        How much memory per CPU core is requested? 15m
        Speaker: Alois Schlögl (Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Klosterneuburg, Austria)
      • 16:45
        Automating Access to OpenID Connect Services from Linux Systems 15m
        Speaker: Wiktor Nastał (Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland)
      • 17:00
        Accelerating Fortran Codes: Merging Intel Coarray Fortran with CUDA and OpenMP 15m
        Speaker: James E. McKevitt (Department of Astrophysics, University of Vienna, Austria)
    • 17:15 19:00
      ASHPC24 Poster Session 2 (same posters as in Poster Session 1, see Tuesday, 11 June 2024)) Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
    • 17:15 19:00
      VSC Feedback Session & Discussion Raum Castiglione

      Raum Castiglione

      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      The VSC Team will be available to discuss with the users what they like or dislike with VSC operations and about future systems.

      Convener: VSC Team (VSC Research Center, TU Wien)
    • 19:00 19:30
      Break 30m Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

    • 19:30 21:00
      Dinner 1h 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 07:30 09:00
      Breakfast 1h 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 09:00 10:30
      ASHPC24 Session 9 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Matej Praprotnik (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia)
      • 09:00
        KEYNOTE: Cell Detection for the 2020s – Computational Pathology and HPC Perspective 45m
        Speaker: Dejan Štepec (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Slovenia)
      • 09:45
        Implicit Solvation Machine Learning Model for Molecular Simulations of Ionic Media 15m
        Speaker: Amaury Coste (Laboratory for Molecular Modeling, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia)
      • 10:00
        OpenFOAM CFD simulation performance and scalability analysis 15m
        Speaker: Kirils Surovovs (Institute of Numerical Modelling, University of Latvia, Latvia)
      • 10:15
        Accounting and efficient use of GPUs in a slurm based HPC cluster 15m
        Speaker: Thomas Rattei (Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, University of Vienna and Life Science Compute Cluster, University of Vienna and Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee Break 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace

    • 11:00 12:00
      ASHPC24 Session 10 Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Philipp Gschwandtner (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
      • 11:00
        Molecular Dynamic simulations addressing the missing single collision peak in low energy heavy ion scattering 15m
        Speaker: Wolfgang Husinsky (Institut für Angewandte Physik, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 11:15
        NCIS-LA, Nature Computer investigative Simulations of Laser Ablation 15m
        Speaker: Wolfgang Husinsky (Institut für Angewandte Physik, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 11:30
        Checkpointing on VSC 15m
        Speaker: Dieter Kvasnicka (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 11:45
        Exploring Energy-Efficient GPU Computing 15m
        Speaker: Siegfried Höfinger (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
    • 12:00 12:15
      CLOSING Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

      Convener: Claudia Blaas-Schenner (VSC Research Center, TU Wien, Austria)
      • 12:00
        ASHPC24 Closing by the Program Chair 7m
        Speaker: Matej Praprotnik (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia)
      • 12:07
        ASHPC25 Announcement 7m
        Speaker: Urša Vodopivec (ARNES – Academic and Research Network of Slovenia, Slovenia)
    • 12:15 12:30
      Break 15m Eugenia-Schwarzwald-Saal


      Seeblickhotel Grundlsee, Austria

    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1h 30m Restaurant / Terrace

      Restaurant / Terrace